Start of day 6

May have woken up late but ready more than ever to work late! And, the positivity was worth it, feeling inspired and ready to go!

If I may ramble again for a little while, sometimes it pays out to think positively, at least to me. It's not always precise, how I may work and react to being force, using positivity, it's not a science, you just gotta try that and this and see what happens. I know it's all too personal and that may not help much people here, but I hope it will give some lead to find your way of doing things, get further away from the blank page syndrome.

Anyway, back to topic!
Today, will finally do that topleft to center coordinates function. Then, will finish to put my static rectangles, will try to work on more sprites, else will use placeholders, and get that thing working. Then, the next step will be to determine how the "levels" of my game will work out. After all, crates will pop and go, trying to overheat the player, following a path.

Let's do this!

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