Start of day 5

4 days left until the end of the jam!.. Well, actually, almost 5 days left.

But put sleep in the equation and you get 4 days, here you go!

Today, aiming to put every sprite I made and I may use placeholders for the sprites I wanted to do. I'm scared that I may have some issues putting together the gameplay so I must get to work on it as fast as I can. Once it's funsies and playable, then I will finally have time to work on some more pixel art and the sound design like I wanted to. Hopefuly, I will have more inspiration for my artsies until then.

One issue I may have now with Box2D and Love2D is how bodies are spawned: you put coordinates of their center, not their top left corner. So, it's something to take in account. Well, will make a function to just have the top left corner of a rectangle shape!

Think that's it, let's go to it!

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