Start of day 3 of the jam

Sleeping... Sleeping is too good to wake up... Help.

I wish I felt the adrenaline of the very first day of the jam where even with 6 hours of sleep I worked non-stop for 10 hours straight. Well, no point of feeling sad for that, this is yet again something that can happen on jams too: having a rush and some less fully days. Like I said last night, I need to get that pier and crane going. Going on the crane part first and foremost, since I'm scared to know if I will have enough inspiration or not.

I'm still not used to make sketchs for my pixel arts. Usually, I just look at inspirating images, then I just go with it on my Aseprite canvas, because all the previous time I tried to use a sketch I just put too much details into it and then, and then I can't find a way to simplify it into small pixels. But, this time, I do need to organize myself, especially since it's some kind of multilayered character I guess?

Okay, the sketch! The green part is the furthest back, and there should be one on the left too tho I'm just too lazy to copy it, so I just have to remember that it's also the furthest back. I think I will! Then there's the blue part, it's representing some kind of module to which the rope will be attached. The red part is where the blue part will move around. Finally, the yellow part is the nearest and it's some wheels attached to the blue part, and the magnet, also attached to the rope. The water layer will cover both green parts and be some kind of cover over the game plan, in which crates will disappear if you let them fall into it!

There must be a way to optimize the making of the sprites, mmh. I could break it down into tiles, since the crane has those pilar metally parts going from top to bottom and left to right, with smaller ends.

What about the wheels? Should I animate them rolling or should I let the engine rotate them? Mmh. Not sure yet. May animate them later!

Okay, let's do this!

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